چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی معماری،عمران،شهرسازی،محیط زیست و افق های هنر اسلامی در بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب

ثبت نام حضور در کنفرانس بین المللی کرامت انسانی

The Asian Conference on Education and International Development

ACE-ID 2015 - The Asian Conference on Education and International Development
29th March to 1st April 2015, Osaka, Japan
Abstract Submission Deadline - December 1, 2015

Please submit your abstract through the online submission system found on the "Call for Papers" page of the conference website.

IAFOR, in partnership with its global affiliates, is proud to announce the Inaugural Asian Conference on Education and International Development, held from March 29-April 1, 2015, at the Rihga Royal Hotel, Osaka, Japan.

Conference Theme: "Education, Power and Empowerment: Education as an Instrument of Global Transformation"

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://aceid.iafor.org/
Sponsored by: IAFOR - The International Academic Forum

About IAFOR'S Education Conferences

IAFOR promotes and facilitates new multifaceted approaches to one of the core issues of our time, namely globalization and its many forms of growth and expansion. Awareness of how it cuts across the world of education, and its subsequent impact on societies, institutions and individuals, is a driving force in educational policies and practices across the globe. IAFOR's Conferences on Education have these issues at their core. The conferences present those taking part with three unique dimensions of experience, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating heightened intercultural awareness and they promoting international exchange. In short, IAFOR's Conferences on Education are about change and transformation. As IAFOR's previous education conferences have shown, education has the power to transform and change whilst it is also continuously transformed and changed. The theme of transforming and changing education continues into 2015 in the European, North American and Asian Conferences on Education.

Globalized education systems are becoming increasing socially, ethnically and culturally diverse. However, education is often defined through discourses embedded in Western paradigms as globalised education systems become increasingly determined by dominant knowledge economies. Policies, practices and ideologies of education help define and determine ways in which social justice is perceived and acted out. What counts as 'education' and as 'knowledge' can appear uncontestable but is in fact both contestable and partial. Discourses of learning and teaching regulate and normalise gendered and classed, racialised and ethnicised understandings of what learning is and who counts as a learner.

In many educational settings and contexts throughout the world, there remains an assumption that teachers are the possessors of knowledge which is to be imparted to students, and that this happens in neutral, impartial and objective ways. However, learning is about making meaning, and learners can experience the same teaching in very different ways. Students (as well as teachers) are part of complex social, cultural, political, ideological and personal circumstances, and current experiences of learning will depend in part on previous ones, as well as on age, gender, social class, culture, ethnicity, varying abilities and more.

IAFOR has five annual education conferences, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda which develops interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

Professor Sue Jackson
ACEID2015 Conference Chair

Pro-Vice-Master, Learning and Teaching,
Professor of Lifelong Learning and Gender,
Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Sue Jackson is Pro-Vice-Master (Vice-President) for Learning and Teaching, Professor of Lifelong Learning and Gender and Director of Birkbeck Institute for Lifelong Learning at Birkbeck University of London. She publishes widely in the field of gender and lifelong learning, with a particular focus on identities.

Sue's recent publications include Innovations in Lifelong Learning: Critical Perspectives on Diversity, Participation and Vocational Learning (Routledge, 2011); Gendered Choices: Learning, Work, Identities in Lifelong Learning (Springer, 2011, with Irene Malcolm and Kate Thomas); and Lifelong Learning and Social Justice (NIACE, 2011).

Sue is also the Director of the IAFOR Education Research Institute.

Professor Stuart D. B. Picken
ACEID2015 Conference Co-Chair

Order of the Sacred Treasure, M.A. (Hons), B.D., Ph.D. (Glasgow), F.R.A.S.
IAFOR International Advisory Board Chair

Stuart D. B. Picken is the founding chairman of the IAFOR International Advisory Board. The author of a dozen books and over 130 articles and papers, he is considered one of the foremost scholars on Japan, China, and Globalization in East Asia. As an academic, Professor Picken has devoted more than 30 years to scholarship in Japan, notably as a professor at the International Christian University in Tokyo, where he specialized in ethics and Japanese thought, and as International Adviser to the High Priest of Tsubaki Grand Shrine (Mie prefecture). He has also served as a consultant to various businesses, including Jun Ashida Ltd., Mitsui Mining and Smelting Corp., Kobe Steel, and Japan Air Lines.


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