چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی معماری،عمران،شهرسازی،محیط زیست و افق های هنر اسلامی در بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب

ثبت نام حضور در کنفرانس بین المللی کرامت انسانی



University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, USA
19-20 February 2015

Dear Delegate,

Proposals for paper presentations, workshops, posters or colloquia are invited for the Fifteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations being held at the University of California at Berkeley in Berkeley, USA from 19-20 February 2015. We welcome proposals from a variety of disciplines and perspectives that will contribute to the conference discourse. We also encourage faculty and research students to submit joint proposals for paper presentations or colloquia.

Proposals are invited that address issues of management and the organization through one of the following categories:

Theme 1: Management Education
Theme 2: Change Management
Theme 3: Knowledge Management
Theme 4: Organizational Cultures
Theme 5: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures

In addition to the annual themes, the conference will address the special focus âАУ Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures âАУ through keynote speakers, garden sessions, workshops, and parallel sessions that examine the following topic:

Diversity manifests itself in organizations in a myriad of ways - the diversity of human resources within an organization, diversity among clienteles, and diversity of divisional or occupational cultures, and diversity when meeting other organizational cultures - be they private, public or other community organizations. In the twentieth century, the prevailing assumption was that organizational cultures based on sameness or alignment would inevitably work best. In the twenty-first century, globalization and civil rights movements that focus on human differences mean that such assumptions are no longer tenable. In fact, they may well be counter-productive, hence the notion of "productive diversity".

Presenters may also choose to submit written papers for publication in the fully refereed The Organization Collection of journals. If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still become a member of the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal collection.

Proposals for in-person presentations should be submitted by 19 DECEMBER 2014 (title and short abstract).

Proposals submitted after this day will be accommodated in non-themed sessions at the conference or are eligible for community membership registrations (no attendance at conference required with community membership presentations).

For more information on submitting your proposal and registering for the conference visit:


Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://OnTheOrganization.com/Berkeley-2015
Sponsored by: On the Organization / Common Ground Publishing


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