6th Global Islamic Marketing Conference

6th Global Islamic Marketing Conference

6th to 8th May 2015
Istanbul, Turkey

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://www.gimac.org
Sponsored by: International Islamic Marketing Association

In Cooperation with Qatar University, the International Islamic Marketing Association is pleased to invite you to sponsor and participate in the 6th Global Islamic Marketing Conference (GIMAC6).

Why should I attend GIMAC6, Istanbul?
If you are in the business world and interested in expanding your markets, or creating a new market, come. Learn about marketing opportunities in the Muslim world. You may not be Muslim, but more than 1.5 billion are, and they constitute a huge market. Meet people from the Muslim world and attend sessions which can give you insights into what you can and cannot do (Intro to Muslim customs, business practices, etc.) and sell to Muslims. "Think outside the box" and explore new markets. Stop being so ethnocentric. Get out of your comfort zone. Explore new cultures, expose yourself to new ideas!
If you are part of the academic world, the same reasons apply to you, plus, Get ideas for research areas in marketing topics that are not already being milked in journal publications. Find new research colleagues. Participate in sessions as a discussant or chair, or submit a paper on how you would get the marketing world more interested and involved. Develop an expertise in comparative international marketing. There are huge opportunities for research in the academic field of marketing as it relates to international and multicultural marketing

Topics covered:
Islamic marketing, Islamic branding, Muslim consumers, Commercializing Islam, Islamic marketing mix, Islamic business ethics
Social responsibility, Halal market, Islamic hospitality and tourism, Islamic logistics, Islamic e-market, Islamic law and marketing practices, Trade with Islamic markets, Islamic media, digital content, and communications, Islamic retail, Islamic fashion and clothing, Islamic pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and toiletry, Traditional and herbal medicines and therapy, Prophetic medicines and therapy, Kosher/ Jewish business Studies, Christian business studies, Vegetarian consumer/ market studies, Ethnic consumer/ market studies, Green/ environmental Marketing, Interfaith Dialogue, Asian Islamic Studies, Islamic finance
Accounting, Zakat Management, Waqf, Islamic Insurance and Takaful, Islam and business, Islamic HR, Islamic management and leadership, Islamic and Social entrepreneurship, Emerging Islamic Markets, Social Innovation and Islamic Marketing, Islamic economics, Islamic business education, and Research methods by Muslim scholars


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