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Chicago International Conference on Education (Chicago ICE) 2015

Chicago International Conference on Education (Chicago ICE) 2015

May 26-27, 2015

The 3rd annual Chicago International Conference on Education (ICE 2015) is held in Chicago, a rich and complex urban landscape. ICE 2015 provides a venue to bring together a wide audience of academicians and professionals in related fields to discuss clearly circumscribed topics, engage in fruitful debate, in an effort to facilitate mutual understanding that lead to possible solutions to educational concerns and continue to build a strong network of global educational leaders. This year the conference will be held at the Swissotel Chicago, along the well known chicago River, with beautiful views of the city.

Putting The Pieces Together in Education is the theme of ICE 2015. The goal of Chicago ICE 2015 is to examine and fit together the following individual "pieces" of the complex puzzle that is elementary and secondary education:

-Opening Doors by Overcoming Socio-Economic Barriers in Schools
-Keeping Up with Curriculum Design and Implementation Trends
-The Evolution of Student Assessment Strategies and Measurement Tools
-Teachers at the Top of Their Game: Training and Professional Development
-The Habits of Highly Innovative School Leaders
-Effective (and Ineffective) Use of Educational Technology
-Achieving More with Less: Creative School Budget Strategies
-We are seeking research papers and presentations in these interdependent areas

Submit Your Abstract at http://www.chicagoice.org/call-for-papers

Paper Submission Will be accepted until October 1, 2014

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

2014 Partners: Lindenwood University, Northeastern Illinois University, Cleveland State University, Florida Atlantic University, Bradley University


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