یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

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هشتمین کنگره بین المللی توسعه کشاورزی، منابع طبیعی، محیط زیست و گردشگری ایران

ISATT 2015 - 17th Biennial Conference of Teachers and Teaching

ISATT 2015 - 17th Biennial Conference of Teachers and Teaching
13th to 17th July 2015
Auckland, New Zealand

The conference is inspired by the concept of teaching students today in preparation for a future that is already here. The theme 'Teaching for tomorrow today' captures the sense of urgency, excitement and challenge we face in modern times.

This as an opportunity to share your research with international colleagues. Please visit the website for more details about the conference topics. Join us as we grapple with these questions and more:
- How can technology extend, enhance, and augment the learning environment?
- What constitutes powerful pedagogy in teaching?
- How can diverse students be well-supported as they transition across key areas - for example from compulsory to post-compulsory education?
- What expertise is unique to being an effective teacher educator?
- How can teachers be encouraged as leaders of learning without shifting them into administrative or management positions?

Web address: http://isatt2015.com/
Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید


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ایجاد حساب کاربری فقط جهت ثبت همايش می باشد. ثبت همایش های دانشگاهی رایگان و سایر همایش های دولتی و خصوصی شامل تعرفه خواهد بود. قبل از ثبت نام " قوانین " ثبت همایش را حتما ملاحظه فرمایید.

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