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CAG2015: From Possibility to Practice in Aging Shaping a Future for All

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (Version francaise ci-dessous)

CAG2015: From Possibility to Practice in Aging
Shaping a Future for All

44th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting
Canadian Association on Gerontology

October 23-25, 2015
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


The Canadian Association on Gerontology is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for CAG2015: From Possibility to Practice in Aging, October 23-25, 2015 in exciting Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Join us for Canada's premier multidisciplinary conference for those interested in individual and population aging. Abstracts are welcomed from all disciplines and all interests in gerontology and geriatrics, including research, practice, policy and related work. International submissions are encouraged. We are also pleased to offer the CIHR-IA Student Poster Competition and student travel assistance grants.

Abstracts are due by April 15, 2015.

For more information, including discounted room rates at the Westin Calgary, please visit http://CAG2015.ca. View programs from previous CAG conferences at http://cagacg.ca/asem/program-books/

CAG2015 is hosted by the Faculty of Social Work at University of Calgary (http://fsw.ucalgary.ca)


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