چهارمین کنگره بین المللی مدیریت، اقتصاد، علوم انسانی و توسعه کسب و کار

نهمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهش در علوم و مهندسی و ششمین کنگره بین المللی عمران، معماری و شهرسازی آسیا

هشتمین کنگره بین المللی توسعه کشاورزی، منابع طبیعی، محیط زیست و گردشگری ایران

The 2015 International Forum - Agriculture, Biology, and Life Science

The 2015 International Forum - Agriculture, Biology, and Life Science (IFABL 2015) is to be held in Sapporo, Japan, on June 23-25, 2015. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics on Agriculture, Biology and Life Science. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the conference website. We sincerely invite you and your colleagues to participate in this event. Abstracts and full papers are welcome. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support.

Sapporo ranks number one among the places where Japanese people would like to live. Sapporo is Japan's 5th largest city with a population of 1.9 million, and the capital of Japan's northern island of Hokkaido. Every year many tourists from both home and abroad visit the region, which is famous for being one of Japan's most popular tourism city. It is the best season to visit Hokkaido in June when all kinds of flowers begin to bloom. Also you can find a lower flight fare to travel to Japan in June. We are sure that all participants will enjoy the visit of Sapporo.

Conference Website: http://iainst.org/ifabl2015/
Online Submission: http://iainst.org/ifabl2015/submission/on-line-submissions/
Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Sincerely yours,

Chen-Ling Fang, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Nobutaka Odake, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan


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