چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی معماری،عمران،شهرسازی،محیط زیست و افق های هنر اسلامی در بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب

ثبت نام حضور در کنفرانس بین المللی کرامت انسانی

6th Canadian International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2024

6th Canadian International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2024 (HUSO2024)
"Dynamics of New Global Order - Vulnerability, Resilience and Society"
June 15-16, 2024, Toronto, Canada



On behalf of the organizing committee, I wish to announce that the 6th Canadian International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2024 is scheduled to be held on June 15 and 16, 2024 at the University of Toronto, Canada. HUSO2024 is organized by Unique Conferences Canada and its university partners for the sixth time.

The papers presented at the HUSO2024 conference will be published as the conference proceedings in the International Multidisciplinary Research Journal - ISSN2424-7073. Those papers will be reviewed (double-blind peer review process) and forwarded to be indexed in the WorldCat. Furthermore, the selected papers will be assigned a dedicated DOI number for recognition and for significant visibility in scholarly indexes such as CrossRef and Google Scholar.

Hence, this invitation is for you to submit the abstract of your research paper to this premiere conference and get it published. You can send your abstract through the application. https://socialsciences.info/application/

The categories of the abstracts/papers accepted for presentation at the HUSO2024 conference are, but are not limited to: original research papers, published articles, dissertations/PhD thesis, works in progress, research project proposals, case studies and country reports on current issues aligned with the conference theme.

Here are the conference main themes (tracks/sessions)

-Political Instability and Conflicts  

-Social Justice and Human Rights

-Business, Banking, And International Trade

-Gender Equality and Women's Rights

-Immigration and Refugee Crisis

-Racial and Ethnic Inequality

-Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 

-Climate Change and Global Health

The registration for the HUSO2024 conference is now open and the early bird registration fee rate is available until October 30, 2023.


CALL FOR PAPERS: https://socialsciences.info/call-for-papers/


Abstract Submission Deadline: March 30, 2024

Registration Deadline: April 15, 2024


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